Saturday, April 7, 2012

Getting it right

Being that some holidays are celebrated with just Mr W and myself, I think it's understandable that I have shifted (a lot) from the traditional ways we celebrated when I was a kid. Of course, if we're traveling and are with family, we do go old school on the holiday. There are some holidays when I'm (sniff) by myself, but have always had the opportunity to attend someone else's celebration as a holiday orphan. I think taking someone in like that shows the best of holiday spirit.

Last year I had Mr W for Easter. I imagine I posted about it, but can't remember what I'd file it under, so I'm not giving the link. Since we didn't talk about it, neither of us knew that I assumed he didn't want to have an Easter basket, and he assumed that of course I'd make him an Easter basket. Oops. He was truly upset, in the way that a kid who puts up with a lot of untraditional holiday stuff but for cryin' out loud some things are just a GIVEN, could reasonably feel.

So this year, I'm on it. Now, I COULD have just bought candy and placed it in a basket, and put it on the table for Mr W to find. How boring. In the spirit of.... of...., well, in the spirit of us both having a little bit of fun with it, I saved a bunch of those plastic eggs from some previous Easter. I'm glad I saved them and will get to reuse them. I've filled about 20 with a couple of kinds of candy and will hide them in dog-proof places around the house. One of the eggs will contain instructions for him to find the one item he specifically requested, a big chocolate bunny, which will also be hidden somewhere. Yea! I've been excited about this for about a week. I'll be redeemed as a holiday provider.

In the afternoon, we're getting together with a gaming group made up of folks from church. How cool is this: the other day I emailed my former advisor from school, who is also a good friend and goes to my church, and asked if she wanted to go out for a cocktail after work. She couldn't because her daughter had a friend over, but invited me over there and I went. It was great to catch up with her and her husband, and they mentioned they were in this gaming group. I got an invite, and they do something most Sundays, so we're heading over there for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I've wanted to socialize more with people from church, but the family stuff seems to be couply stuff, so I haven't done much there. This will be a little different setting and I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. Our daughter is forty and I'm STILL making her an Easter basket. Does that give you something to look forward to or are you thinking I should seek help?

  2. We must be distantly related on my father's matter how old we are, we still have to go on an egg hunt. It's actually fun and he's still wickedly clever at clues.


Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.