Monday, July 23, 2012

We pause for station identification

Things are really busy right now. Nothing's wrong, but going straight from the road trip back to work the next day and then keeping busy with our usual stuff has me feeling a little overwhelmed.

Good news: Mr W auditioned for his middle school's Percussion group and was accepted. The teacher said there were about 25 kids wanting 8 or 9 slots, so I've very proud of him. The downside is that they have a 1 hour/day camp for the next three weeks that I need to get him to. I'll bring my laptop and try to get some work done, I guess.

I feel like everything's logistics lately. How am I going to work everything in. The button lady liked the first shipment of buttons and that makes me very happy. I need to finish the next round and get those off.

I keep telling myself that I am here to be doing this. That at the very very least, I am alive and kicking and feel grateful for the opportunity to be here and as busy as I am.


  1. Is it the time of year? I've been doing pretty good the first half of summer, but now I'm feeling overwhelmed . . . and the real canning/preserving season (which usually makes me feel as though I'm tied in the kitchen and don't get ANYTHING else done) hasn't even started yet.

    You have that other little energetic/involved person you live with which, I remember, can complicate things to a large degree!

  2. You are amazingly adaptable and resilient so I know you can do this, but I hope that you have a moment to just breathe soon.

  3. Thanks, lovely ladies. You two are stalwarts in my blog world and I appreciate each and every comment you take the time to write.


Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.