Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's big

Mr W's on spring break this week, so I took Monday off and we went down to the Forney Transportation museum in Denver. We had gone when he was about five, and I took a similar picture. Here he is with his friend P, who joined us for the outing.

I really liked how they had things set up so we could get down on ground level with these trains. This is a Union Pacific Big Boy, the largest locomotive EVAH. It was massive. Apparently used mostly in the mountain west. I was pleased (relieved?) that in this age of video games and screen input, kids are still wowed by big stuff like trains. 

In the middle-right of the photo, you can see another train car, which was at the level of the rest of the museum, about four feet higher than where the boys are standing. They had lots of vintage cars, as well as a selection of station wagons, of all things, and it was fun to recall going places in my aunt's old wagon. 

We ate lunch at a 50's-style diner, and the boys had questions about Elvis, juke boxes, and the decor of the place. It was fun. 

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Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.