Monday, March 25, 2013

Project in progress photos

I wanted to post a couple of before and after photos from painting my back hallway this past weekend. I really like it, it's so much lighter back there.

Here's before:

Yeah, the purple was not a good idea, and the original orange WAS pretty orangey, wasn't it? I also have too much stuff back there, but that's a project for another day. Here's a couple of "after" shots:

I did take a stab at pulling up the carpet, but need to get a smaller crowbar/wedge thingy to get the carpet strip up. It was as I suspected underneath, a layer of no-pile indoor/outdoor carpet that I'll lay the peel-and-stick vinyl tiles over. There was a sense of satisfaction involved in hooking my big crowbar under the carpet and pulling. It'll be nice to get the gross carpet out of there in favor of something that can actually get clean.

I took three coats of paint to cover that purple! I bought the "primer and paint in one" kind of paint and it covered for all the world like regular old paint. Oh well, it looks nice. 


  1. It looks great. . .I'm painting everything yellow in my next house. Everything Matt agrees to, anyway!

  2. That yellow really brightens up the back hallway! I am a fan of non-carpeted spaces, especially living with multiples of pets. That is going to look fabulous when it's finished!

    1. Thanks! Yes, I love the idea of wiping the surface clean (well, occasionally) and throwing c a couple of rugs in the washer to clean them.

  3. Oh, yes, great choice of color! The purple/lilac/lavender was a cool,unfriendly, cave-like color where the yellow is warm and sunny and super-inviting! What color are you thinking of for the tile for the floor?

    1. Thank you! I put a picture of the tile in the previous post. It's sort of neutral, tile-looking stuff in 12 in squares. Dirt colored!

  4. Wonderful colour choice, it really brightens everything up!

    1. Thanks, I'm so glad I did it - wondering why it took so long, but it's done.


Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.