Thursday, February 21, 2013

It begins

I'm having two contractors come to the house today to give me estimates on my home improvement projects. Hopefully there is common ground between the three things I want done and the resources I have to do them. They both do work on old houses in my neighborhood, and come on good recommendation.

The first project is to update the kitchen with new cabinets, probably a new stove (but I could keep my fridge), a dishwasher (which I don't currently have), new tile, new floor, new window.

Second project is the deck on the side of the house I've been going on about for years.

Third is to fashion another bedroom out of the existing unheated (but enclosed) front porch, and a bit of the living room.

If there's anything left, I want to cute-ify the front of the house by adding some wood trim. Probably need to paint the house, too.

We'll see how far the money goes. I'm meeting with a money person tomorrow to file the paperwork to refinance and pull some money out to pay for the renovations. If I do these projects, it's going to add an amount equal to the cost of the projects to the value of the house. Maybe more.


  1. That sounds major! But what a difference it will make. Don't forget to do before/during/after pictures!

    1. Nothing like having to talk about your kitchen with a stranger to make you see how very much it needs updating. Lots of pictures!

  2. Woo-hoo! I can feel the excitement building! I echo Susan . . . lots of pictures when the work begins, please.

    1. Me too. It is past time to do this. Not sure what pushed me over the edge to finally move on it, but I'm glad the ball is rolling.


Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.