Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am back from a very nice visit with my brothers and their families. As family gatherings go, I have to count myself among the lucky. We choose to get together once or twice a year, and it always seems a shame that we don't live closer.

My older brother loves to cook. We were there for about 15 minutes (maybe less) before he started making a shopping list. We must have spent $500 on groceries, but only ate take-out food once.

I'm feeling the shrimp scampi and cubano sandwiches and red wine, right around my waistline.

Sure, me and 80% of America, we're all thinking we need to start exercising more regularly. So I've been weighing (ha, get it?) my options. I like the idea of joining a health club, and working out with a group of people, to feel the energy that goes along with doing that sort of thing.

However, my sister in law who, godblessher, gets up at 4:30 two or three times a week and goes to a spinning class at their local Y, says, "you don't want to be one of those resolutioners," Meaning the temporarily stoked people who, by golly are going to DO IT this time and work out, and then don't show up past the middle of February. I don't want to deal with the crowds.

Having the kid, and a dog who needs to be walked once a day, makes it hard to carve out the time after work and before dinner to work out. It's just that simple. When Mr W can fend for himself in the morning, my plan is to exercise then.

The plan. So the plan is to try to ride my bike to work a couple of times a week. I live all of three miles from work, and it's about 20-25 minutes of slightly uphill riding to get there. It seems to make so much more sense to make exercise part of doing something I have to do anyway, like getting to work. It's a plan whose details are still being worked on, but I'm thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. I was riding my bike to work pretty regularly over the past summer/fall months, and it was AWESOME! My ride is 4 or so miles along a nice river, leading right smack dab into downtown. The upsides were three-fold:

    1) It put me in a great mood.
    2) It forced me to exercise.
    3) It gave me an excuse to be a little more grungy at work than the others. Yay!

    I must say, though, that I had a riding buddy (a co-worker that lives just a block away), which made a HUGE difference. I only rode a few times solo.

    But good luck to you! I know FC is a much more cyclist-friendly town that FW so you've already got something nice going your way.



Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.