I was at the plant store today, getting annuals, and have noticed a trend. Most perennials are offered in gallon sized pots this year. Here's a picture from the place I usually buy my plants, but the other two places in town are doing the same thing.
It'd be nice to have a 2.5" pot, or a 4" pot of these plants, so one could buy more of them (duh). Those nice gallon pots there are $9.99 - $12.99 each.
I can certainly understand the nurseries' desire to make money on what they do, but it bugs me how doing it this way limits a person's choices. Thankfully, a lot of the annuals are in 4 packs (where did the six-pack go?), and I think I've got enough for all the spots I want to tuck annuals. It's May 15th, which is supposed to be our frost date here in north-central Colorado. I have taken the plants I bought today inside, and will continue to check the weather to see when I can just leave them the heck out and be done with it.

Claire, whose family has a small farm not too far away from me, and also a good blog
, posted on her FB page that they got nailed by hail today. She also mentioned that the number of days we've had this year where the temperature has been warm enough to be considered a "growing day" are a bit over half of what they normally are. It HAS been a cool spring, and the flowers are rally hanging on the trees nicely (hopefully meaning good fruit set).
*** Edit:
Here's her post about it
In other news, isn't that a nice Campervan? It's for sale in Boulder, and I want it, please. Just have to decide if it's what I want and need. These darn Westies (VW Vanagons with Westfalia camper conversions) are kind of pricey, and not many of them are for sale at any given time, and they usually all have over 100K miles on them because they are 20 years old. I know, it sounds crazy to me too when I say it that way. People usually like them so much they put a new engine in them and it keeps on truckin'.
We had one when I was married, and I loved it - did the research, tracked down the one we would eventually buy and gave it up in the divorce. It's been an interesting couple of weeks around here, with school ending and me realizing that I haven't been this free to make weekend trips for three years. Makes a girl want to go camping, but not sleep on the ground, you know? Rough it, but make coffee and cook over a stove.