Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yeah, Bowling

Mr W is on spring break this week. Unlike his peers, who seem to be jetting off to exotic destinations, Mr W's mom has to work. To ease the pain a bit, I said "let's do stuff in the evenings a few times" and he liked that idea. So, what to do? The go-kart place? Nope, we have snow on the ground, and it's too expensive.

How about bowling?

OK, sounds good. Now, we've done this once before, and if you have not bowled recently, you're in for a surprise. No smoking is the the biggest change that I saw, as well as electronic scoring. I never could figure out how to score, even though I was friends in junior high with a girl whose family owned the local bowling alley.

So we go in, and there's a good number of people there, but several open lanes. We get our shoes, and bowl one game. Oh, I forgot about the bumpers. You can tell the people behind the counter that you want the "bumpers up" for one or both players. When Mr W bowled, there were railings that popped up that blocked the gutter. No kidding.

Final score: Mr W: 91 Mom: 78
And I wasn't letting him win, either.

The biggest biggest change? Final price for two games and two pairs of shoes? $13.40. Ouch.

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Hi, sorry to make the humans do an extra step.